

Victory Show Bratislava


Frnčová Lenka
Frnčová Lenka
I´ve been breeding and training hunting dogs for a very long time. My first breed was a Slovakian Hound, followed by a Beagle, which is my companion until now.
My breeding is focused on the quality of the exterior, and I prefer only healthy dogs in my breeding program.

But now I prefer to work as a judge for the exterior, and so far, I´ve judged in 24 countries worldwide. I ‘m an FCI judge for groups III., IV., V., VI., VIII., IX., X., non-recognized breeds, and several other breeds. I´m also a judge for the performance of hunting dogs.

My kennel is registered under the name "WEINLINIE." I have a small pack of Beagles, and I devote all my free time to them. 
Harsányi Péter
Harsányi Péter
I'm an active Collie and Samoyed breeder. I´ve been breeding for 47 years and I bred 2 Junior European winners, 1 reserve European winner, and many international champions Collies in my kennel. It was a great success in 2008 when my own bred young Collie male won Res.CC title in Birmingham at the Crufts Show. 
My kennel is registered as “Kőakói Collies”. Later I established the “North’s Star“ Samoyed kennel in 1987. I bred 5 multi champions and many international champion Samoyeds in my kennel. I´ve been an International FCI judge since 1981 and currently, I'm an FCI all-round judge.  I judged in almost 50 countries, in Europe, Asia, South America, South Africa, and Australia. Some traditional or „big shows” for example can be interesting where I was judging: Lisbon Centenary Show, Milano, Moscow Eurasia Show, St.Petersburg „White Nights” Show, Helsinki Winner Show, Welsh Kennel Club Championship Show, Contest of Champions Ancona, Contest of Champions London. I judged also on many European and World Dog Shows, for example, EDS Budapest 1993, EDS Genova 1998, EDS Tulln 2005, EDS Zagreb 2007, EDS Budapest 2008, EDS Geneva 2013, EDS Warsaw  2018, EDS Budapest  2021, EDS Celje  2024, WDS Budapest 1996, WDS Poznan  2006, WDS Bratislava 2008, WDS Paris  2011, WDS Budapest  2013, WDS Leipzig  2017, WDS Geneva  2023, WDS Zagreb 2024. I judged Best in Show in 45 different countries. I speak English, German, and Russian language.  I´ve been the president of the Collie, Sheltie, and Corgi Club in Hungary since 1987 and a member of the Board of Judges of the Hungarian Kennel Club since 1989.
Jursa Jozef
Jursa Jozef
Cynology has been my passion since childhood. I´ve got my first purebred dog in 1972. It was a German shorthaired pointing dog. From the beginning, I focused mainly on the training of pointers. At various types of trials, I´ve shown several different breeds of pointers, especially German short-haired Pointing dogs, German wire-haired Pointing dogs, and Slovak wirehaired Pointers, as well as Dachshunds. In the late 1970s, I became a judge for the autumn pointers trials. Currently, I am a judge for the performance of hunting breeds of dogs - a judge for all-round exams of pointers, and all surface tests of small breeds and hounds. In the early 1980s, I was involved in the preparation of the recognition of our national breed, the Wirehaired Slovakian Pointer. In the years 1982 to 1983, I worked on the materials presented in 1983 at the General Assembly of the FCI for the recognition of the Slovakian Wirehaired Pointer. In the years 1984 to 1987, I was a breeding advisor for Slovak Wirehaired Pointers breeders. In 1980, I became an advisor for the breeding of German shorthaired Pointing dogs for Slovakia within the Czechoslovak club of this breed. In 1993, I was a founding member of the German Shorthaired Pointing dogs Breeders' Club in Slovakia, and I´ve been the club's chairman since its foundation. Since 1974, I had the FCI kennel "Hartmany", which produced several excellent working dogs, among them Avar Hartmany - Winner MKP 1978 and Winner of MSS 1980. Later, my FCI kennel name was changed and currently, my FCI kennel is "z Dubovských luhov". I bred several litters of German short-haired and also wire-haired Pointing dogs. I became an exterior judge at the end of the 1970s. I started with the German Short-haired Pointing dog breed, and later with the whole VII FCI group. I´m currently a judge for IV, VI, VII, and VIII FCI groups. I judged at several European and World dog shows. From 1978 I was a member of the Cynology Commission of the Slovak Hunting Association and after 1990 a member of the chairmanship of the Cynology Council of the Slovak Hunting Association. In 1993, I participated in the negotiations for the establishment of the SKJ and was a member of the SKJ Presidium for several election periods. Since 2012, I´ve been the chairman of the cynology board of the Slovak Hunting Association and the president of the SKJ.
Konderla Žofia
Konderla Žofia
I am kynological judge forty years about, as International Judge thirty years. I  judged in many countries for example Germany, Lithuania, Latvia, Italy, France, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Serbia, Finland, Sweden, Denmark and of course in Poland. I can judge III., VIII., IX. groups FCI. I am breeder of English cocker-spaniel forty years, my kennel name is Ricci Club. 
Matyáš Jaroslav
Matyáš Jaroslav
I´ve been involved in cynology since 1972.  I have bred various breeds of dogs. My first purebred dog was the Miniature Pinscher.  I bred Schnauzers for more than 20 years. Currently, I own Mudi and Central Asian Shepherd breeds. I'm an international all-round judge. I judged various shows, including European and World dog shows in many countries. I'm active in cynology in several positions, such as the chairman of the breeders' club and as a member of the board of the cynological board of the Slovak Hunting Association.
Nodalli Bruno
Nodalli Bruno
In my life, I always had an eye for the animal world, especially for dogs, and they were my companions from an early age. Over the years, I was lucky to meet my wife Paola, with whom I share a love for animals, which we passed on to our daughter Viviana. I've been breeding medium and toy Poodles since 1982 and 1990 under the FCI kennel "Osmanthus." The passion for this breed has occupied much of our free time. When I retire at the end of 2014, I can dedicate more time to my passions: dogs and photography. We´ve bred for quality, not quantity, producing one or two litters a year. Now even less, but despite this, we produced World Winners in 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2011, 2012 and European Winners in in: 1990, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2012 a 2022. We bred many Italian and international champions, champions from almost all European countries, Scandinavia, Russia, Australia, Canada, Israel, USA, and South America. Among the most prestigious: in 1990 Reserve BIS in Montecarlo and Austria BIS in Dorbirn, RBIS in Tulln Bundessiger, Best of Junior Group 9 at the World Show in Valencia 1992, Second BOG at the World Show in Brussels 1995, in Germany BIS in Offenburg 2007 and Friedrichshafen 2009, BOB at the Melbourne Royal show in 2014, 2015, Second Best Breeder’s group at the 2011 Paris World Show, Best in Show at the Champion of Champions in Lithuania in 2012, Best In Show at the Jubilee of The Club Cani Compagnia, Toy Breeds Club in 2013. In the country that owns the breed, my Poodles won important awards for Italian breeding: Best in Show at the National D'Elevage of the Club du Caniche de France in 1988 & 2008, Best in Show at the French Championship in Paris in 1995, European Winner and BOS in 2003, World Winner and BOB in 2011, European Winner and BOB in 2022. The champions “Osmanthus Noel Chance,” “Osmanthus Essence,” and “Osmanthus Allure Sensuelle” represent our fifth generation of World and European winners. A goal achieved by few and a source of pride for the Italian breeding. In these fundamental 41 years, I had the opportunity to know the most important and historic breeders and expert judges in the dog world, whose precious teachings I cherish with esteem and affection. All this increased my passion and enriched my cultural background. In the past, I was the Secretary first. Then, I was the ENCI’s delegate within the “Club Cani Compagnia” (toy breeds club), a member of the technical committee and board member of the Italian Newfoundland Club, a board member of the Varese Group and of the Busto Arsizio delegation. In October 2006, I was approved as an expert judge for the Poodle breed, and then I became an FCI international judge. I was appointed in France by the “Club du Caniche de France” as a trainer judge and for the "Confirmation" for the Poodle breed and by the “Club du Pekinois et du Japonais” for the Pekingese and Japanese Spaniel breed. I'm a trainer Judge in Italy for the Poodle and Czechoslovakian Wolfdog breeds. I'm currently an FCI judge for groups II, IV, V, IX, and X, and for many breeds from FCI groups I, III, and some breeds from VIII, and I'm also a Best In Show judge. In these 17 years, I had the honor of being part of the judge list at the European Dog Show in Geneva in 2013 and Wels 2019, the World Dog Show in Milan in 2015, and Brno 2021, also at the most important international shows and specialties over all Europe, Israel, Scandinavia, Ireland, Canada, Russia, Belarus, Japan, and Australia. I held seminars about the Poodle breed in Italy and abroad. I'm also the author of the book about the Poodle breed published by ENCI and of articles about various breeds for "I Nostri Cani" and other specialized magazines.
Orcsik István
Orcsik István
I am István Orcsik, international all round judge from Serbia. Already when I was a child the St. Bernard dog grew close to my heart and there was no doubt that one day I would became breeder of St. Bernard dogs. It has been like this for last 35 years. In 1996, my kennel was registered in the FCI under the name "von der Borisev". I managed to breed many beautiful dogs and achieved success on the national and international shows.

I am proud of many titles of young and adult champions, but I also had many international champions. In 2000 I won the European winner in Poznan with a beautiful young long-haired dog and in 2004 I won the WUSB winner in Ostrihom with a short- haired champion female! At that time, I also decided to start training as a judge and passed the exams the following year. So far I have judged in many European countries and also in America - in Atlanta. I would like to thank my family and the Serbian Kennel Club for their support. I will try to pass on the maximum of my knowledge at dog shows in the future.
Ridarčíková Gabriela
Ridarčíková Gabriela
As an FCI international all-round judge, I was honored to judge multiple times at the World and European Dog Shows. My love for dogs also affected my decision to become a veterinary doctor. I've had fantastic dogs by my side all my life, and they've always been my best friends. I experienced unforgettable moments of joy and happiness with them.

On August 17th, 1975, my FCI kennel, "z Tomky," was founded. My beginnings were connected with my favorite breed, the Boxers. My big dream became a reality in the late 80s, and finally, the beautiful breed of Dobermann proudly walked by my side. We bred many international champions and champions of different countries. But for me, the most important and beautiful feeling is that puppies from us are making happy and better lives of many people.

Currently, I am a member of the Presidium of the Slovak Kennel Club, the chairman of the board of judges in SKJ, the vice-president of the Union of Kennel Clubs, a delegate of the SKJ in the FCI judges commission, and the president of the Slovak Dobermann Club.
Staviarska Viera
Staviarska Viera
A breeder, a judge, Kennel Magic Sonet (FCI) Established kennel Magic Sonet in 1993. Obtained judge license in 1998. Current President of The Shar Pei Club of Slovakia. Current President of the European Federation of Shar Pei Clubs. Former President of the Club of Moloss Breeders and Dogo Argentino. 2015 - The Silver Medal of Honor from SK Kennel Union for breeding. 2018 Silver Medal for development of Slovak cynology in the breeder category. 2023 Silver Medal of Honor in the judging category. Leading member of organizing committees of educational events for breeders – symposia, seminars. Conducted lectures on dog quality of life, health, breeding responsibility, and Shar Pei standard. Author of several professional articles about dog health, nutrition, ethical breeding principles. Author of the campaign "Dog is for life, not for business," provided under Slovak Kennel Union (SKJ) with professional information for dog owners and breeders. Chairman of the Breeding Committee of “Únia kynologických klubov - UKK” and a representative of Slovakia in Breeding Commission of FCI. Secretary in Breeding commission of FCI. Founder of Breeding Campus; Established and nurtured the Breeding Campus platform, a comprehensive resource hub for professionals. This platform facilitates collaboration with experts across various fields, with a special focus on breeding-related topics. Expertise Creator: Pioneered expertise in canine health, pharmacology, and the efficacy of medications and nutraceuticals. My first dog was a Dalmatian, and I remain a big fan of this breed. But as a breeder, I have been loyal to Shar Pei since I got my first female puppy more than 30 years ago. They have a permanent place in our house. I breed with strict focus on health and good exterior. I have extensive experience as a breeder, a judge, and an exhibitor, so I can see all aspects of the show. International (CACIB) shows in countries: Slovakia, Czech Republic, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Netherlands, Finland, Belgium. I have judged large specialty shows in various countries, international, national shows across Europe, 2 European shows, and 3 World dog shows. In my private life, I work as a marketing director. I enjoy gardening, DIY, photography, and reading non-fiction books. But I prefer to spend time in my garden with my beloved dogs.
Šinko Kupriyanova Olga
Šinko Kupriyanova Olga
I've been involved with the dogs since my childhood. My first breed was a Great Dane. But my real passion became the English Bulldogs. By breeding them I went through all the joys and difficulties of the breeder's life. I've been involved in breeding for more than 30 years and during this time in my kennel "Lav April " there were born dogs that took part in the most prestigious shows over the world and Europe. They achieved the highest titles as World Winner and European Winner. A few years ago I moved to Slovenija and now together with my husband, Stefan Sinko, I keep on doing the same job as a co-owner in our kennel "JUBILEE". Currently, we have a few dogs of Chihuahua breed, living in our kennel as well. We brought from Mexico a few dogs of very high quality who have just started their show career and gained first titles. I became an FCI judge nearly 30 years ago. Since then I´ve been judging a lot and learning new breeds. I'm always interested in what other people breed and judging gives me the unique experience to share my passion with other dog lovers. I judged the most prestigious shows all over the world. I judged my beloved breed, the English Bulldogs at the World Dog Show and the European Dog Show as well.
Šinko Štefan
Šinko Štefan
I started with breeding and showing Bulldogs in 1979. In the same year, the “JUBILEE” English Bulldog kennel was established and since then many national and international champion dogs have been raised in this kennel including FCI European and World Winner Bulldogs. I owned and bred some other breeds for example Airedale Terrier, Basset hounds, Dogo Argentino, and Great Danes. I´ve been a judge since 1986 and I judged on all continents in over 110 countries of the world. For example, in 2004 I judged at the famous CRUFTS Show in the UK, the national breed - Bulldog, with 210 entries. In 2006 I judged also the famous EUKANUBA World Challenge Show in the USA. In 2024 in my own country, Slovenia, I judged the Best in Show at the FCI European Dog Show. From 1992 to 1997 I was the first democratically elected president of the Slovenian Kennel Club, after the independence foundation president of the Slovenian Molosser Club, and also Slovenian Terrier Club. I'm a member of the FCI Show and Judges Committee and also the vice president of the FCI Judges Committee. From 2019 until 2022 I served 2nd Term as President of the Slovenian Kennel Club. Currently, I'm an honorary president and a member of several Clubs.
Tesics György
Tesics György
Narodil som sa v Novom Sade v bývalej Juhoslávii. Od roku 2000 žijem v Budapešti. Prevádzkujem dentálnu kliniku v Budapešti, kde aj pracujem ako špecialista parodontológie a orálnej medicíny.

V roku 1986 som vlastnil môjho prvého afganského chrta a odvtedy som fascinovaný krásou, charakterom, rýchlosťou a silou všetkých plemien chrtov. Chovu afganských chrtov sa venujem 15 rokov a odchoval som 13 vrhov pod mojou chovateľskou stanicou “Ben Ben’s”.

Pred 25 rokmi som objavil plemeno sloughi. Zistil som, že toto plemeno je pre mňa ideálne. Odvtedy aktívne vystavujem na výstavách a so svojimi psami sa zúčastňujem coursingu.

Moja kariéra rozhodcu začala v roku 1991, keď som sa stal rozhodcom pre celú FCI skupinu X. Následne som absolvoval skúšky pre FCI skupiny I, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII a X. V roku 2020 som bol schválený, ako rozhodca BIS a v roku 2003 som sa stal aj rozhodcom pre coursing. V roku 2017 som stal členom zboru rozhodcov Maďarského kynologického zväzu a v roku 2022 som bol opätovne zvolený na ďalších 5 rokov – do roku 2027. Posudzoval som na mnohých prestížnych výstavy po celom svete. Posudzoval som na národných a medzinárodných výstavách, Royal (Adelaide a Melbourne) a národnej špeciálnej výstave v Austrálii, Európskej výstave psov, Svetovej výstave psov, BIS na slávnych výstavách Orlando Cluster v USA, európskych majstrovstvách v coursingu a na klubových špeciálnych výstavách vo viac ako 35 krajinách v Európe, Austrálii, Ázii a Severnej Amerike.

Aktívne sa zúčastňujem vzdelávacích programov pre rozhodcov exteriéru a coursingu v maďarskom kynologickom klube a v zahraničí, vrátane prezentácií na klubových seminároch na nasledovné témy.

Okrem môjho rodného srbského jazyka hovorím plynule maďarsky, nemecky a anglicky.

Program 28.02.2025  Victory show

Photo credit Ladislav Hájek